We Create Our Own Reality
Julien Charles
The world watched in varying states of mind as the Davos set enjoyed its annual turn on the world stage, supping on sumptuous Atlantic crab and fresh Iberian pork, sustainable Norweigian cod, and the best Italian coffee.
When not tucking into a lavish feast, they bandied about their ideas for how the world ought to exploited (the key euphemisms here are “sustainable,” “stakeholder,” and “impossible beef.”)
Some revile and protest the annual ruling class summit, but many millions more embrace it, even gaze admirably at the mandarins of the new world order as they flit across mobile screens and offer uplifting quotes to curious media attendees.
Indeed, few seem to care as the cabal of monied interests chat amiably about centrally managed digital currencies, consolidating global health authority in unelected bodies, collapsing the world economy, generating needless food shortages, unpopular fake meat, and other new market opportunities. Fewer still see the implicit threat of globalist agendas to the rule of sovereign states.
There is such little resistance largely because billions of people believe what they read and what they are told by the news media. A healthy dose of distrust would serve the global populace well, if only it could release itself from the grip of mainstream corporate news.
In this respect, it’s worth remembering two quotes from the incomparable muckraker Upton Sinclair–author of the startling expose The Jungle.
In his book The Brass Check, Sinclair betrays the great lie of modern media, namely that it is independent. This easy falsehood is widely accepted. Millions of Americans believe that the truly deceitful media are the ones that YouTube labels as “state-affiliated media,” a damning modifier that instantly discredits every outlet so identified.
But Sinclair reminds us that “[Media] represents private interests, not public interests.” He could have gone farther and said mainstream media represents the private interests of elite capital. Marx said that every state serves a particular class. So does corporate media.
Sinclair later writes that, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
This second quote explains why so much of the MSM go along quite happily with the prescribed narrative from Washington. Their livelihoods depend on it. Occasionally a pious mainstream journalist will fiercely declare his independence from any malign editorial influence.
But as Michael Parenti responds,
“They like what you write because you write what they like.”
The principles of American exceptionalism are a prerequisite for any journalist hoping to earn a slot at a high-paying MSM outlet. They have long internalized the values of power. Put together, these quotes tell us that we are subjected to an official narrative that serves the interests of elite capital and is dutifully disseminated by a cabal of right-thinking stenographers.
The same elite interests that own the government own the media. Hence the narrative consistency.
Alternate Reality
Given that elite interests are largely out of step with the interests of the vast majority of Americans, we often find ourselves living in an alternate reality. The war in Ukraine is just the latest iteration. Most of the reality of the conflict has been obscured from view, sins of omission that ensure the public is largely misled. Fierce and ‘principled’ op-eds reinforce the bias. For instance, little attention is paid to:
Economic motivations underlying the conflict: arms sales for American defense contractors; oil and grain profits by crisis-oriented commodity monopolies; and broader agricultural profiteering by Monsanto and Dupont via a post-coup IMF agreement; the foreclosure of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from the Baltic Sea into Germany, which opens the door to western consortiums supplying the shortfall.
Ukrainian academic Olga Baysha gave a telling interview to The Gray Zone. She noted how Volodymyr Zelensky’s neoliberal policies were sold as “westernization” and “modernization” to the Ukrainian public. But these were camouflage for privatization, deregulation, and downsizing of the public sphere, all commonplace neoliberal prescriptions for wealth extraction by global corporations. To secure this narrative, Zelensky shuttered opposition media channels and political parties, including sanctions and repression before the final step.
Zelensky was following the post-coup government’s deployment of ultranationalist battalions to violently extinguish the anti-coup resistance in Donbas. That “anti-terrorist operation” was really the beginning of a civil war by Kiev against its own population, including tanks and artillery, gunships and warplanes. The subsequent Minsk peace agreements were likewise largely ignored by the aggressive Kiev action against the East.
All of these political and national conflicts seem to evolve from—and devolve into—imperial economic relations. West against East, with Ukraine as a battleground. War is a revenue stream in capitalism. War is a profit center for the elites that own the media; it is only carnage for the lower classes. This distinction is rarely made.
Why Social Media Has Abdicated Its Role
What is relatively unique in the propaganda about the Ukraine war is the degree to which social media has advanced its repressive apparatus in line with state directives. Social media became a serious thorn in the side of state power and corporate media when it consistently exposed falsehoods about the 2016 election, Russiagate, and the pandemic.
Though much war propaganda has been uncovered by scrupulous independent journalists (with a working class bias), the success of the Ukrainian narrative has been stupendous. Social media is falling in line, censoring or discrediting wrongthink whenever it appears.
What Google and YouTube and others are doing at the behest of the federal government is as Brett Weinstein said of the pandemic narrative, “They are infantilizing a huge fraction of the population. They are making certain discussions off limits.” We must “…adhere to certain pre-digested conclusions and we pretend that they emerged from evidence, which they do not.”
What we need is rational discussion. The answer to bad speech is more speech, not less. One would expect Google and YouTube and Facebook and Twitter to know this. In fact, it is very likely they do know this. As the venerable linguist politico Noam Chomsky once derisively commented, there’s no point in speaking truth to power: they already know the truth, and don’t care.
What has happened is what happens to all new media in a corporate fascist state: it is threatened until it complies with the official narrative being disseminated by the government, which is effectively owned by elite capital. Congress may have a word with Justice, and Justice may on a quiet Tuesday open the preliminaries of an antitrust investigation.
Suddenly the bright horizons of the Silicon giants are considerably dimmed. It is similar with the news media. The MSM rely too heavily on the gossip and good favor of well-placed officials; they bend too easily to the unspoken preferences of the advertisers who line their coffers; they keel too readily at the unctuous general who cavils over the soft treatment of a geopolitical rival. These perverse incentives are nicely modeled in Manufacturing Consent.
Elite capital may be loosely defined as those groups that are making enormous amounts of money off the status quo, even as many more millions are harmed by the same status quo. Elite capital used to be called “special interests.”
They are the rich and powerful billionaires who can be seen at Davos, on the boards and membership lists of the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation; the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations; and in important think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, the Brookings Institute, RAND Corporation, Cato, Hoover, CSIS, and Center for American Progress, among a proliferation of others.
They are thus not a monolithic or discrete coalition of individuals, but rather intertwined interests that share a common desire to uphold the existing establishment, by force or fraud.
Masters of Myth
Our current experience—in which we are terrifically afraid of a mild seasonal respiratory virus and terrifically xenophobic toward Russians—is reminiscent of the heyday of the Bush administration, when the neoconservative believers were riding high on a surfeit of manufactured intelligence.
Abetted by the ghoulish founder of Blairism, who claimed kindly London burghers might be liquidated by Arab WMDs in just 45 minutes. From launch to impact. From Baghdad missile shed to Kensington glade in less than an hour. Around that frightful time, George Bush’s svengali Karl Rove, educated a stunned reporter about what reality truly meant at the Metropole, in the imperium itself,
We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
That reality is what Henry Giroux called, “…the deadening unity and totalizing narratives that now marks dominant neoliberal and instrumental ideologies of the West.”
More than any moment in recent American history, we find ourselves under the spell of these reality makers, who have over the past five years produced a breathtaking array of crises that have utterly enthralled the population.
From the stunning election of a reeling madman, to chilling revelations of foreign influence, feckless investigations, failed impeachments, lethal pathogens launched from fog-draped bio labs in polluted Sino capitals, and finally to the good news of a redemptive election, only to be circumscribed by fatal new “variants” spread by pathologically stupid Trumpists.
And finally, the plague is swept from the marquee by Russian imperialism on the march in Europe. The masses automatically swap their masks for Ukrainian flags. The fear and anger remain, but are merely redirected.
Wage Slavery and Public Consciousness
The indoctrination of individuals into the doctrinal system of American exceptionalism is driven not only by media consolidation but also economic enslavement. First a couple of figures—as if we need more—from a John Steppling’s essay on his Aesthetic Resistance blog. He notes that in 1870 some 67 percent of Americans were self-employed, probably artisans or farmers of some kind.
Once industrial capitalism particularly in urban areas grew, that number plummeted. Today it stands at 6 percent. The point being that the independence of millions of Americans has been compromised. Now they work—millions of them—not for themselves but for vast faceless corporations.
Companies that are essentially fascist constructs, whose decisions are inscrutable to most employees, and which typically sweep the scythe of cost cutting through the ranks every few years, and increasingly turn to automated processes that are merely overseen by an incrementally deskilled workforce.
This alienation from our own work was not unaccompanied by attendent catastrophes. Alongside the vast migration of men and women into wage labor came first a rise and then a fierce destruction of union representation. That too stands at around 7 percent today, once as high as 35 percent in the early to mid 20th century, when there were socialists roaming the untamed streets and word of a Bolshevik Revolution rippled through bourgeois mansions.
The currents of the time were not overlooked by the managers of the economy. The bankers bought the papers. The president created a commission for public information. The business roundtable sketched anti-labor plot lines. Sigmund Freud’s nephew invented the dark arts of public relations.
A similar phenomenon occurred after the cultural explosion of the Sixties. The neoliberal rollback of the so-called welfare state on one hand (happily embraced by hippies as they tossed aside their tasseled suede for wide lapels and polyester pantsuits) and the co-optation of counterculture on the other.
As hippies reproduced, they found themselves suddenly needing the money on offer from the corporate monoliths they once defaced the logos of. No longer able to sustain themselves as village artisans or independent producers, they succumbed to the economic pressures and joined the rat race.
Madison Avenue, a Cyclopean beast capable of the most astonishing mimetic performances, quickly absorbed the counterculture and regurgitated rebellion as offbeat consumerism.
Everything became a style code. Facing down a lynch mob or jackbooted police cordon was replaced with wearing Chuck Conners sneakers, running marathons in ‘Just Do It’ Nikes, or donning a Coca-Cola tee shirt with a sardonic grin. At the radical end of the spectrum, burning draft cards were replaced with ‘buy nothing’ anti-consumer holidays.
Irony supplants resistance, a concession of the educated classes to the diminished prospects for revolution.
And so, having been alienated from their work, having had their counterculture killed, gutted, dressed, and stuffed, the average person has little recourse for independent thinking. At work, he is conditioned by a corporate culture that esteems ‘yes men’, pathologizes optimism, and encourages virtue signaling on behalf of the corporate charter, the values of which one is welcome to adopt as one’s own.
Away from the office, he encounters an ersatz ‘culture’ of media news and entertainment that reifies the values of the corporate state, which ostensibly include diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusion. The news instantiates the tropes of the corporate news hour, which feature the sly demonization of other societies under the guise of national security and the banner of freedom.
Then entertainment reinforces them. One reads of new sanctions levied against a rogue regime in Caracas, and then watches a new action series on Netflix in which an earnest American thwarts a diabolical scheme by the brown Venezuelan with an unquenchable thirst for yanquee blood.
Ideologies and Sub-Ideologies
But should one spy the troubling contradictions between our professed values of inclusion and our foreign policy of exclusion, there is nowhere to turn. Unless one knows about marginalized progressive websites, Noam Chomsky primers, or a nearby Communist Meet Up, one is left with the cardboard caricatures of corporate media, which go to great lengths to convince you those contradictions are all a misunderstanding—your own, to be sure.
Without ‘comrades’ to confirm your natural mistrust, it will tend to fade as the omnipresent corporate conditioning takes over.
Louis Althusser, the French Marxist philosopher, wrote that we are all conditioned by the Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs) and repressed by Repressive State Apparatuses (RSAs). He said we are ‘interpellated’ by the ISAs into the helpful groupthink that sustains the status quo. Perhaps to keep his readers from guzzling Drano, he did concede that ‘interventions’ were possible in which a sub-ideology breaks through a crack in the dominant ideology.
What this intervention produces, though, is indeterminate. A riotous uprising that is brutally put down by some frightful caudillo general? Whose leaders are liquidated in the bowels of some rusting soccer stadium held over from the Pan Am Games? Or perhaps the glorious, dreamed of Revolution (capital ‘R’) that guts the capitalist oligarchy, assumes its productive forces, and achieves a breathtaking synthesis of revolutionary theory and worker power? The pipe-puffing Althusser declined to say.
Reality Repeats Itself: Amor Fati?
It is no surprise when we see such little resistance in the population to the supplying of $40 billion in lethal aid to Ukraine, or to aggressive authoritarian mandates of the government regarding the pandemic. For all of the aforementioned reasons, the dominant response is unquestioning compliance and even gratitude.
After all, having never been taught the past, or having deliberately compartmentalized those troubling histories, we digest the official narrative like a child accepts the spoonfuls of baby food from a doting mother. Tens of millions of doses of soma shoveled down the hatch at daybreak or dusk, or both, do their numbing best to aid and abet digestion of those sometimes thorny narratives, so thick with intrigue and, not occasionally, senselessness. The reward of the incurious is consensus.
Within the official narratives themselves, there is at least one constant: the demonization of the other. We can easily see parallels in the gross caricature of unvaccinated individuals as pathogenic threats in need of the needle and the demonization of Russians as barbaric hordes in need of European refinements.
These depictions are not far from the efforts of German National Socialists to segregate non-Aryans, mostly of Jewish origin, from the righteous population of pure-blood Volk. Yet one needn’t leave one’s own history to see this blatant segregationist behavior. The dark era of Jim Crow, and the modern version of the carceral state, evince the deep hostility of society for the other, those that differ in skin color, sex, gender, sexual preference, religion, ideology, economic model, or worldview.
Edward Said notes in Orientalism how the western Orientalist needed to whittle down Islam to the caricature of “tent and tribe” in order to fit it into his orderly cosmology, in which the rationalism of the European Enlightenment prevailed. Today the West performs the same reductionist act on Eurasia.
Reclining in his sumptuous country estate, the elitist Marquis tells Charles Darnay in A Tale of Two Cities, “Repression is the only lasting philosophy. The dark deference of fear and slavery…will keep the dogs obedient to the whip, as long as this roof shuts out the sky.”
Like Sinclair, Charles Dickens historicized his novels, and it might be noted that the Marquis’ venerable roof would soon fall with the collapsing scenery of the French Revolution. Whenever we are sold those confident, end-of-history tales from the corridors of elite power—be it a French chateau or a chalet in the Swiss Alps—we’d do well to recall the timeless warning of every marketplace and bazaar: caveat emptor.
Julien Charles is a concerned citizen hoping to call attention to the authoritarian drift of states across the Western world, and the disingenuous narratives promoted to gain consensus for such measures.
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We already know since long ago that we’re living in a Society of Spectacle in which “Everything that was directly lived has receded into a representation. … The spectacle is capital accumulated to the point that it becomes images. … The spectacle is the ruling order’s non-stop discourse about itself.” And we are trapped in the ruling order’s show, asleep, dreaming their dreams. “The spectacle is the bad dream of a modern society in chains and ultimately expresses nothing more than its wish for sleep. The spectacle is the guardian of that sleep.”
Important would be to see how can we go towards a Society of Postspectacle:
Well it’s interesting that a war criminal like Karl Rove is behind a new age statement of creating your own reality.
So what have these people, like Karl Rove, who created war, in fact created?
In fact and thence in reality they created war. But war is not good! ”War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!”
Wait a sec, was Edwin Starr right or wrong? See, war is good for making profit, making money and more money. Indeed, war is good for money and business, war is good for lawful crimes, war is so good for all kinds of crimes and their criminals. Wanna rape, kill and torture? Just go to war, become a war hero.
Some people are so corrupted that they kill for money.
Some people are even more corrupted, they create money so that they make others kill for them.
Who owns the money? Who created it? What is money exactly, how was it created and by whom and why?
Most people have no idea what money is. They think it’s real. It is not.
Most people worship money like it’s something natural or godly. It is neither. It is totally fake.
The money-god in this world has been exposed. This is the Revelation. The evil spirits behind its creation and recreation are out in the open. The Emperor is naked.
The money-god is gone. It was never real.
Social media did not “abdicate”. It was created for this purpose.
Consider how rapidly Google took over the internet. Where did the money for all those warehouses full of servers capable of trawling the entire internet in a second come from??
Not to mention the technology itself…
They’re not going to be dining on beans and toast in Davos until next year’s summit.
It is not spelled stakeholder but steakholder in honour of the “impossible” beef. The germ theorists promote the evil devil germs but they also have their gods. The saints such as “your vaccine”, protein and the “the medical profession”. If they perade about in Davos then that is a different approach to the secretive Bilderberg meetings. Perhaps they have seen some value in the attention? They want us focusing on their crimes and evil plots? If we are to change reality then we must do something distinctive. It is not good enough to rehash the same old broken record. Even if we are critical of “the etlites”, the “MSM” it is still the germ theory with our own gods.. “the alternative media”, “steak” and “early treatment” etc. A carbon copy repeating the same weary tale. Instead we should find some terrain theory based analysis. Why should it matter to us what they say or plot in Davos? What can we do about it by just complaining? If we go back to the bible there was the he who is innocent should cast the first stone. Well what about us. What are we doing perpetuating this germ theory? Davos? Who cares? What about something good going on? Somebody creating and leading by example? If we focus on such things then we can change reality but not by reproducing the same old mistakes.
Caitlin Johnstone’s recent article here. Defending Our Own Reality:
“A moderate house of cards the greatest wit,
Though he can start it, cannot finish it”
— Goethe, Faust 2, English translation by Louis MacNeice.
The ever-present irony to all of this theatre is that almost every competently written article about it, and its comments, are of a higher quality then anything these cake eating bumbling fools could ever produce.
The sad part is how we fail to make such an enormous mountain of intellectual prowess work for us.
The missing keystone in this process is not acknowledging that operating in a similar kind of binary (materialist) framework, will produce the same results, and how to adapt.
So your family does not read OG? Mine does not either.. how do we change that?
Every competent poster on this site knows what is what, but we are still preaching to the choir far too much. Let’s preach to the congregation even if they are all over the place.
Its not a fault with our information, its a fault with their processing of it. The cognitive dissonance and so on. Yet that still makes it our fault for not taking heed of that situation. Relay it better until it is received. Reformat and reframe, be the media.
Of course some people cannot be saved, as the ‘awake christians’ state. And they are correct, if only from a practical viewpoint. Sometimes the NLP trajectory required in order to simply talk to someone would take days or weeks, abandon ship. Everything long term spiritual firmly out of scope of a blog post, despite the half-invitation to go there.
Sometimes, the concern with enlightening others is just a soft form of conquest, like religious conversion. Keep in mind that some people will always fear the floodlight of reality. Even trailblazers are only exceptional within their narrow fields.
Transhumanism makes the leap in Fraud-world from “ridiculous conspiracy theory” to “yes, it’s happening – and it’s a good thing”:
” … the vast majority of Americans … “.
Americans? Which Americans? Are you thinking about the ones from the US of As? Say so.
With each passing day, the US of As becomes more irrelevant, more boring.
Looks like history wasn’t over in 1992 after all. It marched on until the present. And now, the US of As’ place in History is almost ended.
You will not be remembered affectionately. You will not be missed.
I sympathize somewhat with what you are saying, but recognize that millions of Americans have been betrayed by their politicians and an evil cabal that seems bent on destroying a once great nation. Not so long ago, America was an inspiration. America was built on hope, promise, innovation and democratic ideals. It is the America I will miss.
Not really. Columbus’ voyages brought the end of the world forward by several millennia. The American military machine has butchered tens of millions. The California gold rush wiped out the grizzly bears in that state.
America was built on slavery. . There was slavery of black people but there was also slavery of animals. They did make some changes for sure but inherited alot of the same mistakes that have come back to bite them. For America to be great it needs to learn from these mistakes, not glorify the past. Innovation is not in the past but in the present. It is time to evolve, not devolve. Hope is no good. What is good is accomplishments. What has America accomplished? Not a whole lot really. If there is a great nation it is Britain where veganism was born. The abolition of slavery and the birth of the national health surface. A nation that values apples and makes a good cider. What could be better?
China and Britain were the last nations to outlaw slavery. The British are the scum of the earth and basically created America.
Most of the slaves who built America were and are white.
Totally unrelated but strange synchronicity—the newspaper article pictured in this report is surrounding a song which I co-wrote in 2016—weird! The title reads, ‘Wap-Bap, ba da di da da’ which is how the chorus goes. Didn’t write that bit 😉 The song was a massive flop in case anyone is interested.
Breathless headline from Graud: “Global heating is turning white Alps green, study finds”. That Global heating sure gets about – as does “study” who is finding out more and more all the time!
“study”, “scientists”, “researchers”, “experts”, “report”, and not forgetting “authorities” is the duckspeak glue that holds it all together. When you hear any of these uttered you know it must be Important.
When you hear any of these uttered you know it must be Important… and a pile of steaming crap!
Yes, all applied universally worldwide by AI these days. Get away from AI and you’ll be immune to it.
This is a very good text, somewhat related to the article about mass formation published on the other day.
It’s related in the sense that it’s quite easy to ward off attempts to have some reality foisted on you, to live the life some fuck concocts as a template for your existence. All one has to do is to ignore all of that shit and, if need be, tell them to shove it up their ass.
That takes us back to human nature, whether people are sheep or lions. Or rats and snakes … 😀 … Whether they’re one or the other due to conditioning or whether it’s human nature.
Be that as it may, the various realities pushed by all of society’s outlets have become so extreme and so phantasmagorical that the judicious person now must throw all of that away and focus on one’s proper existence.
My two cents.
The problems and conflicts pointed out and argued in Plato’s “Republic” have not changed in 2500 years. We keep chewing over the facts as lucidly pointed out in this article and many more in OG and elsewhere.
Time to hash out solutions. How do we make policy and budget decisions ourselves rather than appointing “representative” individuals, that have proven over the last 2500 years to be sociopaths swimming with other sociopaths? Obviously, by not delegating “authority” (power) to any individual, representative or what we have today. Instead, we delegate function to a job to be executed like employed staff. It is time for human societies to reject all authority in the hands of one or a few and assert ourselves as the boss. Our 2500 year lesson should be to NEVER give decision making authority to any individual or group, period. We-the-people need to define government staff’s jobs and make it clear, “just do your job”!
I understand people’s fears of the libertarian meme that counters the above with “what about the tyranny of the majority”. But this meme is actually a nonsensical, illogical confusionist tool of the ruling class to keep pesky humans from ruling over them. We can collectively agree to have inviolable basic rights for each individual that eliminates the possibility of mass tyranny. The Constitution and Bill of Rights can be expanded to add better protections, like bodily autonomy, against the modern technological fascism we see everywhere today.
We can get there. Never accept the meme-limiting bullshit of the ruling class. We just need to discuss in public forums like this how we can collectively decide together our futures while deauthorizing the idiot-dangerous ruling class.
The long-term solution is to raise your kids as confident, self-reliant, but cooperative individuals who take no shit from nobody, while living and letting live. Hopefully, they’ll be able to build a horizontal society, eliminate the concept of authority and hierarchy. We can try to work toward that too, but it’s really up to the coming generations to restructure the world.
But WE need to start talking about it now. Look how long it takes for science fiction to become reality. We first must dream, visualize and discuss. Self organizing without hierarchy was natural for tribal peoples and anarchists because everyone there IS AN EQUAL and is vested in an empowering process. We can do to but need to trial and error participate it until it becomes second nature. Like obeying orders is now.
When the !Kung were forced out of the Kalahari Desert to live on the edge of towns all the psychoses of civilisation soon destroyed their egalitarian way of living. ..(Social) Hierarchy developed amongst them. Hierarchical social relations exist as a potential, as a defense mechanism, as a means of coping with externally imposed crowdedness…
The human species prefers, is comfortable in close groups of around 25 (Some say ‘up to l00). Beyond that Stress becomes a major behaviour influencer, pathological behaviours develop. ..
Space – distance from the crowds – is an expensive commodity only the moneyed classes can afford, as every Big Tech Mogul shows. The Queen, at the top of the hierarchy, though living in the heart of congested London, needs lots of space (and guards) to keep her adoring fans at a distance…
I’ve been more or less doing it my entire life. But I guess the nature of my professions allows me to be independent – I’m freelance, self-employed. I guess it would be more difficult if I was employed. But that too has a solution – getting rid of big corporations and running small businesses. Going local as opposed to global. Or at least exerting sizeable pressure in that direction.
Unfortunately history is driven by irresistible forces. There are no alternative scenarios possible. The brutal suppression of demonstrations worldwide during the last two years is one indication of how hopeless resistance is. And there isn’t as much resistance as we hoped for since the banksters’ propaganda mills are so ubiquitous, monopolised and powerful. Tyrants like Arsedern and Castreau will be “reelected” by huge margins partly because of brainwashing and partly due to electoral fraud. Que sera sera. Grin and bear it.
Surely Humans are the only force of History, though not all humans are irresistible. Humans are also a force of Natural History, and, whether actively or passively, a destructive force
The problem is not political or cultural- it is a spiritual disease and it cannot be cured with politics or any intellectual effort. At this point there is no rational way out and things will coninue to deteriorate until a real disaster takes out the infrastructure globally. Apart from the unlikely scenario of a mass awakening and global uprising, I would prefer an electromagnetic event that disables all wireless comms permanently.. the alternatives are very grim.
And now some good news because God knows we need some: Johnny Depp has won the case with Amber Heard to the apoplexy of the MeToo juggernaut which is of course being ruthlessly upheld by the liberal media.
In BuzzFeed News, one Scaachi Koul tells us “Why The Depp v. Heard Verdict Is So Brutal”. It’s because “(b)eing a woman in the world doesn’t mean you’re ever just being punished by one man or one event; it means having to tangle with a tapestry of subjugation.”
And poor Scaachi is properly stressed out!
“I’m so tired of being angry. My bones hurt from being angry. All my muscles are exhausted from constant flexing, just in case I have to fend something — or someone — off.”
The New York Times gets steamed up about “The Actual Malice of the Johnny Depp Trial….In this post-#MeToo moment, misogyny and celebrity go hand in hand” and claim the public was “primed to accept him [Depp] as flawed, vulnerable, human, and to view her [Heard] as monstrous. Because he’s a man. Celebrity and masculinity confer mutually reinforcing advantages.”
And not to be outdone in the sanctimonious bullshit awards, Moira Donegan in the Guardian said that the trial “has turned into a public orgy of misogyny. While most of the vitriol is nominally directed at Heard, it is hard to shake the feeling that really, it is directed at all women.” Donegan frets that “(w)e are in a moment of virulent antifeminist backlash, and the modest gains that were made in that era are being retracted with a gleeful display of victim-blaming at a massive scale. One woman has been made into a symbol of a movement that many view with fear and hatred, and she’s being punished for that movement. In this way, Heard is still in an abusive relationship. But now, it’s not just with Depp, but with the whole country.”
The whole country! That’s all you reactionary prole bastards!
Hey but what about Rolling Stone, that barometer of Dad Rock and the indefatigable spirit of the counter culture? Will we find any indication of independent thought? Sadly, no:
“‘Men Always Win’: Survivors ‘Sickened’ by the Amber Heard Verdict.”
After which the article unearths one “Meghan” a survivor of domestic abuse “whose last name Rolling Stone has chosen to withhold …Meghan initially tried to avoid the Depp-Heard trial as much as she could, as it caused her to experience PTSD flashbacks….When she heard that Depp had Heard with “total global humiliation” after she came forward with abuse allegations against him, it was too much for Meghan to handle: Her ex had long threatened her with the same thing.”
The upshot is dire:
“This is basically the end of MeToo”
And especially traumatic for “Meghan”:
““I’m sickened. This is a gag in the mouths of victims who were just beginning to speak,” Meghan said immediately after the verdict came in. “I want to scream. I want to vomit. I want tear down every courthouse brick by brick because there is no justice to be had in our system of laws.””
Hmm … sounds a bit familiar. A bit like our Scaachi above.
So “Meghan” (no surname) has been through some unspecified hell and has suffered some dreadful trauma which looks a lot like what Depp is supposed to have caused. Herein lies the verdict of the cool and groovy Rolling Stone contingent.
Conclusion: All those terrified woke warriors being awfully upset by the fact that vast reams of the real public don’t give a shit about their pathetic little plastic scandals and outrages.
Me-Too (I refuse to degrade the number sign by using it as a hash-tag) did at least one good piece of work: it brought an end to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s career.
I don’t say that’s the only good thing Me-Too ever did. But that one thing comes damn near making up for anything bad it might have done.
Or does it? Perhaps if not for Me-Too assigning Cuomo to the dustbin, he might have been forced to face the results of decisions he made during the COVID heyday. A blessing in disguise for him.
The only ones not creating their own reality are the non-living. Even if all we do is grab-and-go whatever’s on TV – we are still creating that which becomes our reality. This is an inevitable feature of having a mind.
The mind cannot perceive “reality” with absolute objectivity. One might argue that the primary function of every educational system is to put as much distance as possible between the child’s mind – specifically its objectivity – and the world he perceives.
To thereby substitute, and habituate the child’s mind to, a subjective reality. So by the time the child comes of age, it is second nature for him to override his perception of reality with someone else’s idea of reality.
An example of the ruthlessly determined defeatism of the WSWS in relation to covid is provided here:
You’d think that if“97 percent of the population had significant antibodies either from vaccination or previous infection” there would be cause for celebration. No chance. And indeed the headline shows the bias:
“BA.4/5 Omicron subvariants produce a fifth wave of infection in South Africa despite 97 percent population immunity”
And so…
“Effectiveness against symptomatic infection even after a booster is proving short and fleeting.”
“The implication here is that no combination of previous vaccination and infection will ever bring the pandemic to an end. “Herd immunity,” the claim that rising antibody levels will reduce the population vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 to such a low level that the virus will die out for lack of hosts, is a myth.”
We are assured that “the pandemic has become permanent”.
And if you’re rash enough to query any of these assertions, forget it … because here comes the barrage of charts and graphs and medico-gobbledegook. It’s nice to see them get back to “plain language” and so here is the verdict:
“…SARS-CoV-2 is not evolving in the direction of a relatively harmless seasonal flu, as the propagandists of “endemicity” claim. New variants are equal to or worse than their predecessors in terms of the damage they do to the human organism.”
And after a resurge of the charts and the waffle,
“With mask wearing completely falling off and any form of isolation or even serious restrictions at an end, without any meaningful evidence to base any risk assessment, the population is facing an endless assault as the society flies blind through the pandemic. Masses of people will be subjected to one or two COVID infections each year, with the concomitant risk of Long COVID and substantial deterioration of their overall health.”
After which, the article ends mysteriously:
“The recent experience in South Africa with BA.4/5 confirms that only an elimination strategy, carried out on a worldwide basis, can bring this pandemic in permanence to an end.”
What such an elimination strategy amounts to is not spelled out but since they have complained about “mask wearing completely falling off and any form of isolation or even serious restrictions at an end”, I think we can figure it out.
Get back under your beds proles!
We create our own reality; others create objective reality:
“This is a special year for Russia and China: 20 years ago on July 16, 2001, President Vladimir Putin and President Jiang Zemin met in Moscow to sign the Treaty of Cooperation. By this, the parties demonstrated their resolve to pass their friendship down through the generations. The treaty formalised bilateral relations as a partnership of equality and trust. In other words, this truly historical international document has put on record a new model of interstate relations and their progress to a fundamentally new stage.
Treaty of Cooperation is based on universally recognised norms of international law, the goals and principles of the UN Charter. It seals their commitment not to be the first to use nuclear weapons against each other and not to target strategic nuclear missiles on each other. The document also formulated the principle of “respecting each other’s choice of the course of political, economic, social and cultural development.”
Update, after the surrender of NATZO’s Nasties at AzovSteel:
“The MSM fabricators are changing Our Own Reality from:
To admit that something is happening in the world, something that cannot be controlled by Our Own Reality, is introducing notes of grief into The Narrative:
When we enter into conflict with objective reality, no matter how fervent our wishes, how deluded our paranoia, how proudly arrogant our hubris, how high our “self-esteem based on Just and Worth” (TM Milton)… we shall come to grief. We are slowly but surely seeing some kind of collective grief for Our Own Lost FairyLand.”
Superb article! This excerpt defines the situation to a tee: >
“Elite capital may be loosely defined as those groups that are making enormous amounts of money off the status quo, even as many more millions are harmed by the same status quo. Elite capital used to be called “special interests.”
They are the rich and powerful billionaires who can be seen at Davos, on the boards and membership lists of the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation; the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations; and in important think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, the Brookings Institute, RAND Corporation, Cato, Hoover, CSIS, and Center for American Progress, among a proliferation of others.
They are thus not a monolithic or discrete coalition of individuals, but rather intertwined interests that share a common desire to uphold the existing establishment, by force or fraud.”
Reality has been reduced to fraud countless times, yet civil populations continue to lie to one another regarding their own deceit. The above organizations could not perform their magic – much less even exist, if civil populations eliminated the “status” by which such powers are originated and established.
“They are thus not a monolithic or discrete coalition of individuals, but rather intertwined interests that share a common desire to uphold the existing establishment, by force or fraud.”
Succinct and powerful. Thanks for naming the main organizations, to help track the criminals and their associates on that happy day when we get the police on the side of the people.
i believe I have encountered what looks like DNS server tampering temporary intercepts occur between the DNS server and the client <= allows the DNS server to refer a bogus
IP address to your browser to point its request to; this means you don’t get to see the real website, instead you see a website at the bogus address, that the establishment creates (fake websites), you think you are visiting the real website. Check the certificates. and the actual IP address. I no longer trust the certificates. Useful I think when a website has something everybody should not see. IT may be necessary to check the ip addresses and server certificate of the websites you visit.. suggest on all links posted that the ip address of the site from which the link came from is included with the https url.. This is probably why they have turned off the report of routes and reply from the end of a ping..
We do indeed have the capacity to create our own reality once we are aware of the techniques being used to divide us. Slowly withdraw your support of their system & use your local community or neighborhood to create your own solutions.
Our confidence will soar as we work together at the local level, why (re)set when we can (re)imagine.
I agree.
However, I’ve seen many a community, villages or towns, or residential estates divided and ‘in it for themselves’. No longer able to work together let alone communicate. Over time I’ve become disheartened and sad towards the idea feeling that its too late.
When the first community was formed, it became too late. Communal living cannot fail to go belly up sooner or later. And the bigger the commune the quicker it will disintegrate.
Look at the US: top dog in the world…for a mere couple hundred years; and now it’s falling apart. Just imagine how quickly the global community will fall apart.
Going global is unstoppable. I give it maybe half a century before it all falls apart.
How did you create your existence?
That you cannot and did not is your freedom from manipulative deceits made by your own or anyone else’s thinking.
We may of course create our own versions, images, maps or models, myths and narratives of a reality that is already given, or already the fact.
On what basis to we think, make or create?
This is our key, because if we create out of our own image/imagination, we either extend the nature and qualities of our existence, or limit, filter and distort to a private agenda set at odds with or in denial/refusal of reality.
Sean Stone: The New World Order System Doesn’t Have the Energy Behind It to Succeed
WEF Zombies vs Multipolar Humans – The Great Game this Week with Matthew Ehret
That’s astonishing. I presume we are certain it is an actual Kissinger quote. Horrifying.
The second one on vaccination was not a Kissinger quote. It was a created meme.
My opinion on him hasn’t changed
Bertrand Russell made a similar statement long before this.
Empty inhuman soulless psychopathic scumbag I think that pretty much sums up that utter cretin
People make memes as anti propaganda that pollute the stream.
Memes are sown into minds that freely and willingly accept whatever they are told and then share it because it reinforces their chosen identity, not because they determined its veracity or really understood anything.
The false quote is bad.
Brilliant piece. Thankyou.
Happening now!
Bilderberg Meeting 2022
68th Bilderberg Meeting to take place 2 – 5 June 2022 in Washington, D.C., USA
WASHINGTON, D.C. 2 JUNE 2022 – The 68th Bilderberg Meeting will take place from 2 – 5 June 2022 in Washington, D.C., USA. About 120 participants from 21 countries have confirmed their attendance. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia, labour and the media has been invited. The list of participants is available on bilderbergmeetings.org.
The key topics for discussion this year are:
1. Geopolitical Realignments
2. NATO Challenges
3. China
4. Indo-Pacific Realignment
5. Sino-US Tech Competition
6. Russia
7. Continuity of Government and the Economy
8. Disruption of the Global Financial System
9. Disinformation
10. Energy Security and Sustainability
11. Post Pandemic Health
12. Fragmentation of Democratic Societies
13. Trade and Deglobalisation
14. Ukraine
Founded in 1954, the Bilderberg Meeting is an annual conference designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. Every year, between 120-140 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, labour, academia and the media are invited to take part in the Meeting. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; approximately a quarter from politics and government and the rest from other fields.
The Bilderberg Meeting is a forum for informal discussions about major issues. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor any other participant may be revealed.
Thanks to the private nature of the Meeting, the participants take part as individuals rather than in any official capacity, and hence are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights. There is no detailed agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken and no policy statements are issued.
Can we join?
No, it’s a big club and you ain’t in it 🤑
Looks like my mom will have to come and beat you up then…
“The science is not hard to understand. We explain it to you over the next hour or so.” Dr Tom Cowan…
Alec Zeck with panelists: Dr Tom Cowan, Mike Stone, Kevin Corbett, Dr Andrew Kaufman,
Dr Sam Bailey & Mark Bailey, Saeed Quressi, Christine Massey, Eric Francis Coppolina, & Amanda V (yummy,doctor)… (2 June 2022)..(Some Humour)…
Dr Tom was joking ? It’s 2.25.00…(Not recommended for those with ADD)…
“It is not only the sanctimony and puritanism of the Left that the acolytes and foot-soldiers of woke have inherited, but also its political naivety. This has never been more apparent, or been demonstrated to more disastrous effect, than over the past two years, during which the Left, not only in the UK but across the former neoliberal democracies of the West, has been the loudest advocate of the global biosecurity state. In this it has repeated the historical failure of the Left to stop the rise and coming to power of fascism in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s. Worse, what was then a failure that bore all the hallmarks of Leftist politics — above all the incessant infighting between anarchists, socialists and communists in the face of fascist unity with capitalists and conservatives — has today become open collusion. Indeed, the willing collaboration of the Left with the violent implementation of the programmes and regulations of global biosecurity by a merger of state and corporate power forces us to address the historical relation between fascism and the Left.
Much of the responsibility for such political naivety comes from forty years of neoliberalism, according to which the expansion of the powers of the state is always a product of the Left, while the Right is equally naively associated with its dismantling. As a result, the Left needed little encouragment to believe that social distancing, the belated declaration of a state of emergency, mandatory masking, lockdown restrictions, state-funded furlough, contact tracing, free testing, the collaboration between public and private sectors in the race to find a COVID-19 ‘vaccine’, and even the imposition of ‘vaccine’ passports, were all forced on reluctant libertarian governments in the pockets of a ruling class only concerned about their profits by the righteous anger of the people — for whom the corporate media were, all of a sudden, speaking.”
The Big Point: The forces facilitating wealth transferral from the poor to the rich under the guise of “neoliberalism” are continuing this transferal now under the guise of “the fight against covid”. On a basic political level, nothing changed in that supposedly cataclysmic passage from neoliberalism to the new “socially conscious” medical crusade except the speeding up of wealth transferral and the astonishingly fast inroads made by the rulers against every liberty the masses ever had.
“…what the global corporate technocracy calls ‘stakeholder capitalism’ is fairly open about its intensions to reduce the salaries of the workers in the Western world to something like the level to which various forms of capitalism have raised that of the workers in the rest of the world over the past 40 years — and specifically in the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China. And taking a leaf out of the Israel Defense Forces’ guide to international relations, the global biosecurity state has got its retaliation in first by effectively removing the political, juridical and cultural structures within which such a threat to its totalitarian rule might form.”
Event Covid is a preliminary matter in which the Western regulations and indeed the entire Western paradigm of what constitutes an acceptable society is being fundamentally altered – and even trashed. We are being “re-groomed” as a new feudal underclass.
From Elmer:
“The simplest answer to the widely-asked question of why coronavirus-justified restrictions and regulations have so suddenly been dropped is that they are no longer needed. As demonstrated by the ready adoption of the World Health Organisation’s Pandemic Treaty by every Western government without a referendum, parliamentary vote, public debate or even mention in the media, the facade of democracy the global biosecurity state struggled to maintain over the last two years of lockdown, ‘vaccine’ mandates and other erasures of our human rights and freedoms is now all-but redundant outside the media platforms of global information technology companies. The propaganda, of course, will continue and even increase, in order to keep the Left chattering; but the political, legal and cultural superstructure of the nation state is no longer capable of holding the new global technocracy to account, and is knuckling down to its new role as administrator and enforcer of its dictates.”
In 1968, talking about the upheavals of that year, George Harrison said, “It doesn’t really matter about the older people now because they’re finished anyway”.
This expression which was hopefully being made on the anti-war side has been taken up in earnest by the ruling powers today. They know very well that it is the rising generations who will form the society of tomorrow. It doesn’t matter how much the oldies have sussed out. They will be gone soon.
(And I’m sure the Bernays’ school – and every other school going way back – were always aware of the greater importance of getting through to the rising generation. Harrison’s remark was therefore a piece of callow optimism.)
In my work there are a couple of youngsters, by which I mean in their twenties or just reached their thirties. They are the ones who most readily don the masks as second nature. And I am aware of certain parents of disabled adults who have drilled their offspring so severely that it may be impossible to get those masks to come off.
The food matter with moving the population over to vomitable gloop would be hopeless if my generation – or one having the same mentality – were to continue indefinitely. It may even be unlikely for the compulsive mask wearers to swallow the slime. But I can foresee a long drawn out tidal affair that will be endlessly operational at all levels. And the generations will become more and more compliant.
Admittedly this is only a view from the outward reaches of Covidonia i.e. Scotland which Mel Gibson severely misrepresented with his “Wurr fightin’ furr oor FRAHDOM!”
“the key euphemisms here are “sustainable,” “stakeholder,” and “impossible beef.””
Don’t forget “resilience” – they love “resilience”. It’s code for “the plebs are never getting rid of it”.
BTW I suspect the current sanctions-based economic crisis is about to be wound in. The US mid-terms are getting closer and they must fear a disaster for Biden-Harris. An alternative narrative based around abortion rights and gun-control is taking shape.
Yes. Resilience is a key word for the Rockefeller-Globalist-Freemasonic cartel.
I found multiple official UK government documents and plans on their “resilience“ programs, proving governments are knowingly controlling the corruption, use of coded language and Gematria, to deceive the majority using occulted knowledge.
Resilience = 99 (English Ordinal)
33 (as in 33rd degree) x 3 = 99
Resilience = 54 (Full Reduction)
Jesuit Order = 54
Freemasonic = 54
Mark of the Beast = 54
Globalism = 54 (R. Full Reduction)
Not a bad article.
Krishnamurti sums it up here:
‘When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.’
He sums up a recipe for atomised individualism and total political ineffectiveness.
Do you noticed one group is missing among “a Muslim or a Christian or a European”? One group who are allowed to display high cohesion based on ethnicity and who punch way above their numerical weight as a result? Think that’s a coincidence?
or anything else!
…- The Amish?… 😉
Got it in one! 😎
The nationalist wont like this as they been brainwashed to believe in populism which eventually got them to believe the leaders where on there sides like all the ones from 2016 onwards which sold them out the first.
flag worship how easily they are fooled.
Davos Schmavos. These globulist parasites should be trolled behind a gamefishing boat as sharkbaits.
Heh, heh… No self-respecting shark would bite… But it is an interesting idea.
Two facts being smuggled into the narrative (aka conversation) via propagation of the Monkeypox Terror Campaign:
1.. Viruses can now ” circulate within the community” & “under the radar” for up to two years…
2.. Children’s resistance to viral diseases is low because they were cocooned, had no exposure to ‘covid’ infected or asymptomatic persons the past couple of years…
The second point is providing an explanation, in advance, of the reason why kids develop problems, or die, because of the risky ‘covid’ jabs…
Meanwhile: The headline of a article on the ‘Lifesite’ Christian site asserts that ‘gays are spreading monkeypox.” As has been pointed out, the Experts stressed that some of the affected were gay as it provides the medium to circulate the claim the m-pox was spread via sexual activities, and to provide a reason for some of the jabbed developing AIDS …
Actually, viruses CAN be present ‘under the radar’ as many of them live in latent states inside us for years, doing little, but waiting for an appropriate time to reproduce. Papillomaviruses, herpesviruses do this routinely.
Viruses are far, far more subtle and nimble than most MSM arts graduates realise. They have Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, sometimes more.
Given they are microbes, ‘they’ don’t have much a ‘plan’ about much, I suspect. Lol Tempting to anthropomorphise them though, given the mental rinser we’ve all been through. A2
Like The Thing Under Your Bed, waiting for the appropriate time ?
Can something that is not alive make any sort of plans?
Considering that there is always a first time, how humanity survived the first viral infection – it couldn’t have any protection to identify and fight off, while we were taught that the only goal of viruses were to copy themselves using and killing our cells without stop.
Viruses are their biggest and best paying lie ever.
I’m still inclined to go with Rudolf Steiner’s side comment, from over a hundred years ago, that viruses (he used that word) are only excretions from bacteria, and therefore of no particular significance.
I respect Steiner, and hesitate to improve on his comment. But, whether a direct quote or paraphrase, I think it’s more accurate to state:
that viruses (he used that word) are only excretions from bacteria, and if they possess particular significance it remains to be discovered.
Masked, denied inner conflicts can indeed remain present under your radr – awaiting activation by triggered association.
The mind can create a false flagged ‘reality’ to mask in a body distanced and privatised as a wish for automatonomity – as in making truth or creating itself.
Bacterial communications and interactions are part of a living Biome or matrix of adaptive homeostasis and evolutionary growth in terms of a wholeness unfolding integral to its Parts, rather than All the king’s horses and all the king’s men… seeking to restore the Golden Age.
The mindset of Self-evasion is ingenious in delay and obfuscation, but only as you choose to employ it. Hence the recognition of a lack of truth, credibility or practical worth is the basis for release of a false investment – through which life can move us integrally.
So now they’re “subtle and nimble”, those little devils! I’ve also heard them described as “crafty”, “cunning” and “wicked”. Viruses are just brimful of personality, despite not even being alive.
How many of them can dance on the head of a syringe? I think we should be told, by TheScience™.
Dr Stefan Lanka’s control experiment proved that they are only material from the dying cell, exosomes.
He did the ‘virus isolation’ according to the book except one thing, he didn’t add any material, sample from any sick person to the genetic soup (bovine serum, monkey kidney cells) they used for isolation. As starvation of the cells and poisoning them (antibiotics) worked as always, he managed to breed ‘viruses’.
That should be a common knowledge for all except only if there is a reason to carry on the viral pandemic madness and power grab.
Interesting that almost no one cares where was flu 300 years ago, why there are no books about flu pandemics but only bacterial pandemics (if they were really bacterial like the plague). Polio was always poisoning. Flu came as pandemics when we started to mess with electromagnetic fields but different kind of other poisoning also can and do cause flu like symptoms. Children illnesses – it look – have a role, namely they protect against illnesses later in life, If you had pertussis you are unlikely to have asthma, if you had chicken pox you are less prone to heart diseases.
The article is superb. Thank you for sharing.
What a great way of revising the ol’ chestnuts – displaying for consumption by the masses … An inconvenient truth vs A reassuring lie’.
It appears that the ‘baubles and trinkets’ are still way too attractive for the frivolous of mind, and don’t the ‘elite’ know it …
A “superb” article wouldn’t cite Chomsky approvingly and act as if his statements over the last two years hadn’t happened – you know, ones like he doesn’t care how the unvaccinated feed themselves….
Well, even the best thinkers can be right about some things and wrong about others. Including you, Edwidge.
“Shills of a feather stick to together.”
~ Slats Grobnik
“It is no surprise when we see such little resistance in the population to the supplying of $40 billion in lethal aid to Ukraine, or to aggressive authoritarian mandates of the government regarding the pandemic. For all of the aforementioned reasons, the dominant response is unquestioning compliance and even gratitude.”
There’s another aspect to this:
It’s called giving up.
I reckon a fair percentage of the population knows that something has gone very wrong, and that it looks like getting worse and worse until eventually we’re all buzzard carrion.
People simply don’t know how this monstrous state of affairs can be stopped, and I’m one of them.
I haven’t given up, but the question of where to focus my energies is a very frustrating one.
I asked this ten years ago when Pierre Omidyar conned Greenwald into creating the Intercept, give me 250 million dollars and I’ll give you a resistance. Still stands, although I’m getting older with less energy. We need a legitimate opposition organization, not a political party, to force the issue, i.e., change the global order in our favor.
Well said.
We also need something to stop the rot in our education system, the rot which is preventing our teachers from teaching students how to think.
Plenty of our children have a natural genetic capacity to think – everyone does, in fact – but something, at some stage, has to quicken the spark into life.
As things stand, our best “spark-quickeners” are not considered desirable employees. “Non-robots need not apply”, sort of thing…
That has to change.
Around half of our mental abilites come from nurture or culture.
‘Chumsky’ stains the water pink to red and attracts the occasional shark. These are ready to be jumped at will.
“Support Raytheon”

“The Corporation of Peace.”

“If we said it once, we said it a a thousand times, Beware of the Curse of the Plague Rats.”
This man’s story was local news headlines for about a week. He was a well-known and respected heart surgeon. He was said to be quite fit as well. Not yet 50, if I remember correctly. His virtue signalling in different news clips was nauseating. Sad nonetheless.
A superb essay.
Ya, a lot of fancy words to say, “things are fucked up and most people don’t care because they don’t know up from down or can’t care because they’re trapped in a fascist capitalist nightmare”. Alot of generalizations thrown in also.
So? Same thing as ever, like. Just worse, I guess, because there’s more of us and the thing called “technology”. The answer has become clear. Those of us that don’t like this shit have to organize and do something about it, locally, nationally, and globally. There’s enough of us.
Social media has not “abdicated its role.” It was created as a data collection system for military agencies and the corporate complex. It is playing this role very well. Read “Surveillance Valley” by Yasha Levine and also see articles at Silicon Icarus dot org. Search for Facebook or “social media” at that page.
Thank you. “Abdicated its role” is just so mindbendingly, ballsachingly wrong, as if Facespook, YouDupe and Twitler had ever been assigned the task (or permitted the privilege) of restoring power to the people.
I think it interesting that “social” media pumps out so many anti-social narratives…
I’ve never really felt that social media were “fulfilling their role”.
It seems pretty clear to me that “their role” is precisely that of NOT fulfilling anything that could be considered to be to the benefit of the general population.
In other words, they were bought and sold from the start – and for a definite purpose.
I mean, just look at FB and Twittery, both of which I am sometimes compelled to use because they do have a couple of advantages.
People are sharing their anger, their grief, their awful children, their prejudices, their food and their laughter – but to what end?
There is no end. The true function of all those media is to lead us into nowhere but oblivion.
I use the few aspects they have which still serve my mercantile purposes, but any good business models they follow do not serve us. Only themselves.
All the world’s a stage, more like a circus.
Spiritual warfare times and an inverted world.
Keep praying and meditating.
I didn’t manage to read it all and remain unsure if the author is serious about the claim made in the title: that ‘we’ invent our own reality. My strong suspicion is that he certainly did, but it’s not one based on convincing reason and evidence. Sorry to be dismissive.
The bankster controlled media creates “reality” for all of us.
Ineed those media create it, but functioning brains are not convinced by it.
Is the title supposed to be a joke?
Scroll down to the ‘Masters of Myth’ section. It should then make sense…
…although maybe it’s both the problem AND the solution? 🤔
I scrolled down. It’s a load of obfuscatory, obscurantist bollocks.
Maybe ‘agenda’ would have been a better word than ‘reality’ (in the quotation).’Reality’ does suggest imposing some kind of fiction on the real world.
But then what was said, was said. Can’t impose what we would like to have been said on what was actually said 🙂
There’s a book called ‘The Great Reset’ I attempted to read, with absolutely no creative edge to the writing whatsoever. Perhaps it’s more your thing 😉 – to think, as if things weren’t bad enough, the world is being overtaken by the most boring person in the world.
I also initially didn’t like the title as it smells of postmodernism.
But reading the essay and contemplating author’s thought process I got the point that not a single one of we ordinary mortals will ever glom “objective or true reality” if such exists (I lean to the affirmative). Reason ? None of us are god, none of us are omniscient and omnipresent. Each of us are trapped inside our separate three pound universe which is limited in time, space and cognition. We all have a unique and mortal world line and the best we can do is through conscious, selective marshaling of our cognitive and temporal resources approach asymptotically an accurate, or “real” understanding of the world and crucially, help each other through FREE EXPRESSION to come to a common understanding of same. So, in that sense, not the mental tower of babel postmodernist sense, we do indeed all create our own separate realities. Anyway, that’s how I interpreted the piece.
The party is immortal, as O’Brien said.The individual mind can be mistaken and in any case soon perishes. The banksters are crafty. The removed the images of “UA 175” ‘s interaction with the South Tower soon after the event before anyone realized the absurdity of what the videos depicted. The lie became the truth.
There is also the fact that most people want to believe their masters possess benevolence and integrity.
Red means Go, in my reality, which I create. As does Green. Any colour means Go. I alone decide. It makes my life so much easier in London at rush hour.
I’m Japanese and monolingual, but this post will appear in English because I create my own reality.
See? It worked.
Are you? I think you’re lying and could not embody a crayfish if it asked you to 🙃
I took the title to be a reference to a famous quote by the gangster-conspirators. It goes something like: “We create our own reality, we act, and it’s for the masses to study what we do, and to try to anticipate what we do next.”
That’s not very close to the actual quote; can’t remember it.
It’s journalist Ron Suskind’s 2004 quote from “a senior adviser to Bush”– reportedly Karl Rove– from “Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush“.
(I usually don’t post New York Times links, but I’m doing it here just in case anyone wants to check the quote.)
No, he’s serious. The question is, who does he mean by “we”?
It’s pretty clear from his “article” that he doesn’t identify with or have any sympathy for the vast majority of humanity.
If you look beyond the rhetoric, the essay is basically a long-winded rephrasing of the Karl Rove quote. “We” indeed.
Who approved this poisonous garbage?
For the vast majority of people life is perfectly normal. But for those of us still banned the hell out of working in a job we’ve done for 25 years for not taking the clown juice, life is far from normal. We create our reality. My current reality was created FOR me by a big dumb majority threatened, conned and forced into agreeing to suddenly allow the State to inject them at will for nothing less than a blatantly transparent global financial con.
Revealed at WEF Davos meeting May 25, 2022: Ukraine had stored 30 tons of plutonium and 40 tons of enriched uranium at its Zaporizhia nuclear power plant. Russia took the plant on February 26th. You may remember that on March 4 there was a fire at the plant which was blamed on Russian irresponsibility. Actually Russia had begun to transfer the fuel for transport to Russia & Ukrainian forces had attempted to stop them.
Plutonium is $5,000 to $11,000 per gram. 30 tons is $150 billion. Uranium depends on degree of enrichment. At less than 5%, it can only be used for civilian purposes and must reach at least 80% for military use. Seizure by Russia of this undeclared stockpile probably repays all the sanctions imposed on them.
Puts a different slant on Zelensky’s stated intention to obtain nuclear weapons. I remember there were rumors of enriched material being transported to Ukraine thru one of the small NATO countries, but I can’t remember which.
Russian press asks: How reliable is the International Atomic Energy Agency, which kept this information secret until last week @ Davos?
I have not heard how much did the fire interfere with Russias ability to off load that $150 billion to benefit russia?
eman, the fire was stopped at a lab next door I believe. At any rate the Russians never lost control of the site. I imagine their intell was good enough that they knew all about what was stored there & that was the reason for their attention to the storage site/power plant so early in the military action.
Poroshenko increased work on nuclear weapons development from 2014 [VT 2022-03].
At Munich Security Conference in 2022-02, Zelensky said “the possibility of acquiring nuclear status was not accidental” [RIA Novosti 2022-03].
At Kharkov Physics & Technology Institute, the Ukranian civil defence blew up a building to conceal evidence; this may have trapped up to 50 people [Sputnik quoting Russia Foreign Intelligence Service 2022-03].
Ukraine sent radioactive material for a dirty bomb to ISIS in Mosul in 5 shipments; USA and Turkey intercepted this (at
least most of it) [VT 2022-03].
At Kharkiv, Ukraine was working with Israelis and former USSR scientists sent from USA on a nuclear bomb; plutonium and other materials for this came from USA. [Tass 2022-03].
Blackwater mercenaries have been building a nuclear dirty bomb at Chernobyl. Foreign mercenaries may have stolen a large quantity of fissile material from the Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhia nuclear plants before the Russian military captured them [VT 2022-03].
mgeo, thank you for the excellent details. If you happen to have links for the final 2 paras I’d be very interested. Thanks
No links. veternstoday.com reported all this in multiple articles (that are poorly written) in 2022-03.
Brings back memories of David ben Gurion, Dimona, the execution of JFK, the Israeli acquisition of yellowcake, the Vela incident, Vanunu and so much more. Ukraine sounds more and more like Israel 2.0.
If society ever engages in a discussion of why private property and personal profit are sacred cows, not permitted for contemplation nor discernment, the good folks who allow themselves to be subservient, wanting life to be easy going, will have their grave wish, at least ’til as Katherine Hayhoe has articled in today’s Guardian: “We cannot adapt our way out of climate crisis…” The elites live in a bubble of their own creation, ’til their guards turn on them.
I’m a Canuck, having been born in the UK from Hungarian and English parentage, hence, this great Anglo-Saxon surname. Harry Smith as chronicled in The Tyee July, 2017, under an article entitled: ‘Razzle Dazzle’ Trudeau’s Canada…
“Canadians to me have become so apathetic about what is happening in their country that it’s frightening,” Smith said. “They just meander along. I don’t think they read anything, I don’t think they think anything.” And this was nearly 5 years ago.
This it the head of the anti establishment fighting for our freedom didnt want to lock us up (4 times) sold by the alt/new media as a hero not long ago.
U.K just as apathetic.
We’ll start with vaccinating your head, Boris.
It needs fixing.
Build Back Boris
How about ‘Build Back Bitter.’ Or ‘Build Back Bollocks’.
“We’ll start with vaccinating your head, Boris” …
I suspect that it has been already … He was probably quite normal before he was hit with ‘the injection’ reserved for the progeny of the ‘elite’.
That’s penny ante, Boris. You should have said “vaccinate all living things”. Far more impressive to your WEF handlers.
One of the disbenefits of having corporations rule the world is that no one will be educated unless that person can be controlled..
Do we not have the ability to educate ourselves?
Thinking otherwise is a big part of the control.
“why private property and personal profit are sacred cows.”
Have you missed that it’s the elite who want to abolish private property? You’ll own nothing and be happy? Without property people will be prostrate in front of the state without any resources at all. BTW, property is not a “sacred cow” because they’ve been stealing it forever, inflation being merely the latest form.
The inability of the Left to rethink their sacred cows never ceases to amaze.
And yes the ruling ideas of any age are always the ideas of its ruling class because the ones who own the physical means of production also own the mental means. And young ambitious intelligent journalists always learn fast what to write to grease their way up the ladder, absorbing the self-justifications that the media factory ceaselessly pumps out to negate any nasty self-doubts.
All of which gloop works on the placid goldfish bowl reader/ viewer.
However …
I think there are a substantial number of folk who aren’t fooled by this and this number is growing the more these jackals up there try to push their luck in a desperate drive to “bald buck butter” or whatever they’re calling it. Replacing food with cellophane will surely be the Titanic of the operation … unless they take it infinitely slowly and surreptitiously.
I also note that it’s the people who I, as a production line Leftie, used to despise e.g. the farmers, small business folk etc. who are most hip to the approaching manure mountain. That aforementioned old time Leftie line are still leading their banner wavers in little nostalgic pockets delivering ceaseless renditions of hits from The Good Old Days.
A good clear essay ATL by “a concerned citizen” with a good clear illustration BTL by S.Cooper at 7.42 pm.
Thank you, OffG.
“Impossible beef”? How about “impassable”?
…- The Davostanis have an impossible ‘beef’ with the universe at large, it seems…
…Visions of Cnut and the tides (- yes, I know he was trying to prove a point to his court sycophants…), Don Quixote and windmills and Ozymandias and the sands of time come to mind…